Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Dayish Thoughts...

I really do think that Mother's Day is all that and a bag of chips (make mine jalapeno!) especially when 4 little men with the help of one big Daddy man try to make it so very special!  And they made it special not just for me but for Meme (my Mom) too!  Can we just say Jenny and Karen is "spoilt" by the Stewart boys?!  If it sounds like I'm bragging it's because I am; in a very thankful for what I've been given kind of way!

We were spoiled with good picture taking.

We were spoiled with going to McAlister's Deli for lunch (one of our favorite places, and not just because we love the name).

We were spoiled with our all time favorite: a trip to Target and then to 
Old Navy all just for the fun of it!

It was a wonderful day complete with seeing our van, Bessie, hit a fun milestone of 202020 on her odometer (I mean really, how often does that happen?)

So, this random post if from me to you to say I am thankful for my lovely Mother's Day and I just wanted you to know it!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you did. they are wonderful pictures of all of you. Sending love to all of you, Curt and Liz
