Sunday, February 19, 2012

Called to Missions!

We are excited to share with you what God has been doing in our lives!  For the past three years we have served as Youth Pastor and Children’s Director at Carey Baptist Church in Henderson, NC. During this time Alex has worked toward a Ph.D. in Biblical Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is set to graduate in May! 

As Alex's PhD studies have come close to the end we have talked and prayed a lot about "what's next" for our family.  We were both very involved with overseas missions as teenagers and felt God's call on our lives to go overseas, but when we talked with various Missions agencies they encouraged Alex to complete  a PhD if that was something he was interested in doing because of the great need for teachers with that certification. After lots of prayer, local ministry experience, academic preparation and hoping—we are excited to announce that we have been accepted to serve as full-time overseas missionaries with European Christian Mission!

 Alex has been asked to serve as the professor of New Testament and Greek at Tyndale Theological Seminary located in the town of Badhoevedorp in the Netherlands. Tyndale trains students from around the world and most graduates return to their home countries as leaders, pastors, church planters, and teachers at local Bible colleges and training centers! In addition to the ministry at Tyndale, we will have opportunities to
minister locally in the Netherlands and throughout Europe.

By training leaders who will train leaders, we will have the opportunity to literally impact the world in direct obedience to Jesus’ great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and Paul’s instructions in 2 Timothy 2:2. There is no more effective way to strategically multiply ourselves in ministry than to train and disciple those who are motivated and called to train and disciple others! As many parts of Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia are experiencing rapid church growth it is imperative that churches train leaders who can accurately interpret and apply the Word of Truth.

The need at Tyndale is immediate! The schedule at this point is for us to spend the summer teaching at Tyndale (June 28-Aug. 28, 2012). We will then begin making plans to move and work at Tyndale full time as soon as we have enough financial support.

Please be in prayer for our family as we get ready to make many changes with moving, traveling and traveling some more!  We have listed links to our missions agency as well as Tyndale Seminary if you would like more information.  


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! (and, honestly, a little bit jealous!)


    Can't wait to see how God will use you!

  2. Yay! That's so awesome! We'll be praying for you on your journey to serve the Lord in the Netherlands!
